Squirrels in your attic can cause significant damage to your property and pose health risks to your family. Their constant gnawing can ruin insulation and electrical wiring, leading to costly repairs and potential fire hazards. The presence of abundant wildlife makes squirrel removal in Orillia a pressing concern for homeowners. Understanding how to remove these pests and safeguard your attic in Orillia effectively can protect your home and provide peace of mind.

Understanding the Problem

Squirrels often seek shelter in attics, especially during colder months. The warmth and safety of your attic make it an ideal nesting spot for them. However, their presence can lead to significant problems that compromise the safety and integrity of your home. Understanding these issues is the first step in addressing and preventing squirrel infestations.

1. Damage to Insulation

Squirrels use attic insulation to build their nests, tearing it apart and reducing its effectiveness. This can lead to higher energy bills as your heating and cooling systems work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature.

2. Chewed Electrical Wiring

Squirrels have an instinct to chew on objects to keep their teeth sharp. Chewing on electrical wires can cause short circuits, increase the risk of electrical fires, and result in costly repairs.

3. Structural Damage

Squirrels can gnaw on wooden beams, rafters, and other structural components of your attic. Over time, this can weaken the structure and lead to expensive repairs to ensure the safety and stability of your home.

4. Health Hazards

Squirrel droppings and urine can accumulate in your attic, creating unsanitary conditions. These waste products can carry diseases and contribute to poor indoor air quality, posing health risks to your family.

Signs of Squirrel Infestation


Identifying the signs of a squirrel infestation early can save you time and money on extensive repairs. Squirrels can cause considerable damage if left unchecked, so knowing what to look for is crucial. Recognizing the following signs can help you take swift action to address the problem and protect your home from further harm.

1. Scratching and Scurrying Noises

One of the most obvious signs of a squirrel infestation is the sound of scratching or scurrying coming from your attic. Squirrels are active during the day, so you may hear these noises in the morning or evening as they move around and build their nests.

2. Droppings

Squirrel droppings are small, dark, and spindle-shaped. Finding these droppings in your attic or near entry points is a clear indication that squirrels are present.

3. Chewed Wires and Cables

Squirrels have an instinct to chew on objects to keep their teeth from growing too long. If you notice gnawed wires or cables, it’s a strong sign that squirrels are in your attic.

4. Nests Made of Insulation

Squirrels often use materials like insulation to build their nests. If you find clumps of shredded insulation or other nesting materials, squirrels have likely taken up residence in your attic.

5. Visible Entry Points

Squirrels need access points to enter your attic, such as gaps in the roof, vents, or eaves. Look for signs of gnawed wood or other damage around potential entry points.

5 Effective Squirrel Removal Methods


Removing squirrels from your attic requires a strategic approach to ensure both the safety of your home and the humane treatment of the animals. Humane methods are preferred because they not only comply with local wildlife regulations but also prevent unnecessary harm to the squirrels.

Here are the top five humane methods for effective squirrel removal:

1. Live Trapping

Using live traps allows for the safe capture of squirrels without causing harm. Once captured, these squirrels can be relocated to a suitable environment far from your home, ensuring their humane treatment throughout the process. Regular trap checks and adherence to local wildlife relocation regulations are essential for the effective use of this method.

2. One-Way Exclusion Doors

These devices allow squirrels to exit your attic but prevent them from re-entering. One-way doors are installed over the entry points used by squirrels. After all the squirrels have exited, the entry points can be sealed to prevent future infestations.

3. Habitat Modification

Making your attic less attractive to squirrels can encourage them to leave voluntarily. This can involve removing food sources, trimming tree branches that provide access to your roof, and using repellents like mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags. Ensuring that the attic is well-ventilated and dry can also deter squirrels from settling.

4. Ultrasonic Repellents

Ultrasonic devices produce high-frequency sounds that deter squirrels while remaining mostly inaudible to humans. Placing these repellents in your attic creates an unwelcoming environment for the pests, encouraging them to vacate. This non-intrusive method can be effectively combined with other squirrel removal strategies.

5. Professional Wildlife Control Services

Hiring a professional squirrel removal service in Orillia ensures that the process is handled safely and humanely. Experts have the knowledge and tools to remove squirrels effectively and can also provide advice on preventing future infestations. In Orillia, professional services can offer customized solutions based on local wildlife behavior and regulations.

Preventing Future Infestations

After successfully removing squirrels from your attic, the next crucial step is to ensure they don’t return. Preventing future infestations involves taking proactive measures to secure your attic and eliminate factors that attract squirrels. Implementing these strategies will help protect your home from further damage and maintain a squirrel-free environment. Here are four effective tips to prevent future squirrel infestations:

1. Seal All Entry Points

Thoroughly inspect your attic and roof for any gaps, holes, or weak spots that squirrels could use to gain entry. Use durable materials like steel mesh, hardware cloth, or metal flashing to seal these openings. Pay special attention to vents, chimneys, and eaves, as these are common entry points for squirrels. Regularly check and maintain these seals to ensure they remain intact.

2. Trim Tree Branches Near Your Home

Squirrels often access attics by jumping from overhanging tree branches. Trim back any branches that are within six to eight feet of your roof to eliminate this pathway. Keeping trees and shrubs well-pruned not only reduces access points but also discourages squirrels from nesting near your home.

3. Remove Food Sources

Squirrels are attracted to easily accessible food sources. Secure garbage bins with tight-fitting lids, and avoid leaving pet food or bird seed outside. Consider using squirrel-proof bird feeders if you enjoy feeding birds. Removing food attractants makes your property less appealing to squirrels and reduces the likelihood of them attempting to enter your attic.

4. Install Chimney Caps and Vent Covers

Installing durable chimney caps and vent covers is crucial to preventing squirrels from using chimneys and vents as entry points for shelter. Ensure these covers are sturdy enough to resist chewing and regularly maintain them for optimal security and ventilation.

Act Now! Secure Your Attic with Mr. Pest Control

Are squirrels causing chaos in your attic? Don’t wait for the damage to worsen—reach out to Mr. Pest Control today! Our experienced team specializes in humane and effective squirrel removal in Orillia, ensuring your home is protected and your attic is safe. Call us at (705) 326-3377 now to schedule your inspection and reclaim your attic from unwanted pests. Your home deserves the best protection—let Mr. Pest Control provide the solution you need!

Call Mr. Pest Now!