Winter is officially in full swing. Many people think that their homes are safe from pests because they hibernate during the cold months. You may be too focused and busy winter-proofing your house and preparing for the coming holiday celebrations, but do not forget to defend it from potential pest invasions. Summer may be the prime pest season, but certain pests are not completely inactive during the winter season.
Unfortunately, pest control in Barrie and Midland is not just a job in the summer. Many pests can invade your home or yard and cause an infestation in the cold months. In most cases, many homeowners are not aware of the infestation until it is too late.
Winter pest invaders are not only annoying—infestation can endanger the integrity of your home, as well as you and your family’s health. In some instances, some of these pests can cause severe allergic reactions or transmission of disease.
How awful is that?
The cold weather should not be an excuse to go slacking when it comes to pest control. Here is a short, quick list of some nasty critters that can steal your peace of mind during winter:
- Termites – Termites are not only common during the summer. These tiny crawlers are social insects that live in colonies and reproduce until February. Undetected termite infestation can cause severe damage to your property. They usually thrive in piles of wood and other outdoor waste. Keeping your surroundings clean and sealing small entry points help prevent potential infestation.
- Norway Rats – Norway rats can invade your home for warmth and food and water sources. They seek shelter and build their nests in the basement, attic, and other dark areas in your house. They can squeeze their bodies through openings as small as ½ inch and can gnaw anything, including electric wires, wood, bricks, some metals (lead, aluminum), and plastic materials. What makes them dangerous is that these rats can carry various diseases, such as rat-bite fever, jaundice, and cowpox. Protect your household against Norway rats by sealing up suspected access points. Keep your eyes open for droppings and other signs of infestation.
- House Mice – Just like Norway rats, house mice can easily slip through openings as small as a dime-sized hole. They also make their nest in dark, secluded areas. House mice may be tiny, but they cause big problems. They can multiply fast and their teeth can chow down drywall and wires. Mice usually prowl at night looking for food in the cupboard. They spread illness by contaminating your food and water. Seal up potential openings to prevent them from entering.
- Raccoons – Raccoons are cunning pests. Their 5-digit paw can easily open trash covers, rip garbage bags open, and create a mess of your garbage. They occasionally take shelter in attics or chimneys to find a denning site. These black-masked critters may be cute, but they are a major host of rabies in North America and can transmit a number of other harmful diseases to humans. They can also cause significant damage to gardens and crops as well as electrical wirings, insulation, and shingles.
- Bed Bugs – Bed bugs problems can occur anytime, regardless of the season. Since many people are taking a vacation during winter, they may unknowingly encounter these pesky bugs and introduce them to their homes. So if you are on a winter getaway, make sure to inspect the hotel bed for any signs of bed bugs. Check your luggage or clothes before you head back home to prevent bringing these stowaways to your home.
- Cockroaches – Cockroaches are probably the most hated pest in most homes. These infamous pests cannot survive temperatures lower than 0 degrees Celsius. Roaches thrive in dark areas, such as crawl spaces and basements. They can also trigger skin and respiratory allergies and transmit harmful bacteria and nasty pathogens, including Hepatitis A and salmonella. Cockroach problems are a common winter infestation problem since they multiply at an incredible speed, which is why you should stop them before it spirals out of control.
- Ants – Ants are pesky pests that creep through small cracks and holes in your homes in search of food. They can also enter your home through items you bring inside, such as flowers or other outdoor items. You may think that ants are harmless little creatures, but they can contaminate your food, spread bacteria, or cause a nasty bite.
- Spider – Typical house spiders invade your home during any time of the year. While spiders are less active during the cold season, dangerous spiders, such as the brown recluse and the black widow, can seek warmth and refuge indoors and hide in dark areas like attics, basement, boxes, and window mouldings.
- Stink Bugs – Stink bugs usually survive the winter by seeking shelter in a warm place. Since they feed on plants, stink bugs dwell in flowers, corn stalks, and pumpkins. They may not be harmful pests, but they can emit an unpleasant scent when crushed.
- Ticks – Many ticks hibernate during the cold months, but black-legged ticks can invade your home if the temperature is above freezing. Most homeowners tend to be inattentive about ticks, thinking that they are inactive during winters. However, these pests can still latch to your clothes, skin, and your pets, despite the low temperature.
Why Pest Control Is Vital in Winter
Home pest control products and services are still critical during the winter season. You may not believe it, but some winter pests are surprisingly more harmful than the pests infesting your home in the summertime. Problems about wasps, bees, and other flying bugs may be rare in the cold months, but there are still a variety of pests that can be a threat to your home. The warmth of your home, as well as foods you stack in your cupboards, can be inviting to pests. With the harsh winter temperature, these pests will try everything to get inside and cozy up somewhere inside your home.
While the Internet offers several things you can do to deny winter pest access to your home, many homeowners do not have the skills and tools to secure the entirety of their homes from these pesky crawlers. In some way or another, winter pests will seek shelter in your home; that is why reaching out to a trusted pest control technician is essential to ensure a pest-free environment.
The next time you need a reliable “pest control near me,” look no further than Mr. Pest Control. Call us any time of the day at the following numbers to request a free estimate:
- Barrie: (705) 739-PEST(7378)
- Orillia: (705) 326-3377
- Midland & Area: (705) 739-7378
- Simcoe County: (705) 739-7378
- Toll-Free: 1-888-794-PEST (73780)