Have you ever tried to deal with a pest, only to find yourself feeling in over your head and outwitted? I still remember a time years ago when we unknowingly plugged up a beehive in our wall during the day only to discover that the bees returned that evening, instinctively and frenziedly finding other ways into the house and back to their endangered hive. What a fiasco! Yet it begs the question, when it comes to pest control, how much can we accomplish on our own and when is it time to call a professional? Let’s discuss.
Educate Yourself: Know Who You’re Up Against
Whether we’re partnering with a professional or going it alone, it’s important to do the homework on the habits, habitat, and laws regarding the unwelcome guest – er, pest, that is. Is the animal protected? Can it be safely transplanted elsewhere?
Let’s imagine we were dealing with a skunk infestation instead of bees. It would be important to know that skunks are nocturnal and can spray up to 20 feet. They are also carnivorous feeding mainly on small rodents, but our domestic dog and cat food would certainly appeal to them as well. Skunks may damage lawns while foraging for insects or digging out a burrow. On the flip side, skunks do their part in the ecosystem, keeping insects populations like beetles and grasshoppers in check.
There are many reliable sites and resources, including Mr. Pest Control that can help you gather the right information.
The Birds and The Bees: Pests Breeding Cycle
It’s important that close attention is paid to the breeding cycle of the animal or insect we’re evicting, or the unwelcome visitor will become an infestation in a very short while. To illustrate: gnats will procreate in as little as 7 days, and statistics say that for every one mouse sighted there are likely 3 more setting up colonies somewhere in your house. Yikes! This is where professionals will have a large and insightful knowledge base.
Having the Right Tools
Questions to answer: What is the safest, most effective, most cost-effective tool for our specific pest problem? Many a dollar has been wasted on cheap or ineffective tools and traps, while the problem remains unsolved. Families may watch one cheap mouse trap after another go to waste until finally buying the better brand and reversing the problem within one week. Here again we must do our research, but there are some infestations only a professional is equipped and trained to handle, like hard to reach bees or wasp nests, rodents, fleas, persistent ant colonies, etc.
Pest problems are not always easy to solve but just remember you’re not alone. At Mr. Pest Control our first aim is to offer help, community, and information but we also offer services such as cottage pest control, spider pest control and home pest control. You can reach us at 1-888-794-PEST (7378) for further info.