Lyme Disease — Don’t Get Ticked Off!

Lyme Disease — Don’t Get Ticked Off!

Summer is often associated with outdoor activities. In Canada, a health problem called Lyme disease, brought about by ticks, is also more common when the warmer months set in. The number of recorded cases of Lyme disease is increasing every year. The year 2017 posted...
Rats and Mice Are Attracted to Your Home

Rats and Mice Are Attracted to Your Home

When you first moved into your new home, it was most likely clean, tidy, and uncluttered. However, as time went by, you started hearing scratches between walls and scampering in your ceiling. Some areas in your house are permeating with a pungent odour, food may look...
Treat Bee Stings

Treat Bee Stings

Getting stung by a bee is not an everyday occurrence for the average person. However, that doesn’t mean there is absolutely no chance of you getting stung. Whether you’ve had a friend or a relative share their experience or are simply afraid of getting stung, you can...
Termites Are Gnawing at Your Home

Termites Are Gnawing at Your Home

Termite infestations have been giving homeowners headaches — probaby for as long as people have used wood for housing. Termites can compromise the stability of structures, like homes and buildings. Destruction can range from minor ones (furniture or home fixtures that...
Get Rid Of Cockroaches

Get Rid Of Cockroaches

The mere presence of cockroaches going on all fours on your kitchen and countertops can be horrifying. But what’s worse than getting the heebie-jeebies at the sight of these pests is the disease-causing bacteria they can carry and transmit to humans. Cockroaches can...
Top Ten Tips For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

Top Ten Tips For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

Dealing with a bed bug infestation is incredibly stressful and unnerving. Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, and now it’s infested with uninvited visitors who bite. Although these critters are flat and tiny, they aren’t harmless. They will take over your home...