Barrie, nestled on the shores of Kempenfelt Bay, boasts stunning natural landscapes and abundant wildlife. However, amidst its beauty lies a hidden menace: wildlife pests that can wreak havoc in your backyard. From mischievous squirrels to clever raccoons and silent flyers of the night like bats, these creatures can cause damage and pose risks to both property and health. In this article, we’ll delve into the common wildlife pests found in Barrie, understand their impact, and explore steps to mitigate the risks they pose.

The Menace Within

In Barrie’s serene neighbourhoods, nestled between lush greenery and urban life, a subtle yet persistent threat looms—a variety of wildlife pests that have learned to thrive alongside humans.

Squirrels: The Mischievous Acrobats

Squirrels, both red and grey, are ubiquitous in Barrie’s urban landscape. These agile creatures can quickly become a nuisance, gaining access to homes through small openings and causing damage to property. Identifying their presence early is essential to prevent further infestations.

  • Signs of squirrel activity include:
    • Chewing marks on wood, wires, and insulation
    • Scurrying noises in the attic or walls
    • Nests made of leaves and debris in trees or attic spaces

To deter squirrels:

  • Seal off potential entry points with wire mesh or caulking to prevent access
  • Keep bird feeders out of reach or invest in squirrel-proof feeders to minimize food sources

Raccoons: Clever Bandits of the Night

Raccoons are notorious for their intelligence and dexterity, making them adept at accessing garbage bins, compost heaps, and even entering homes in search of food and shelter. Their presence can pose health risks due to their potential to carry diseases such as rabies and roundworm. Seek raccoon removal services in Barrie when you notice any of the following signs.

Signs of raccoon activity include:

  • Knocked-over garbage bins with scattered contents
  • Paw prints around outdoor food sources
  • Damage to roof vents or shingles caused by entry attempts

To discourage raccoons:

  • Secure garbage bins with tight-fitting lids to prevent access to food sources
  • Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers to deter nocturnal visits to your property

Skunks: Masters of Defense

Skunks, with their distinctive black and white markings, are known for their potent spray, used as a defense mechanism against predators. While encounters with skunks are rare, they can occur if the animals feel threatened or cornered.

Signs of skunk activity include:

  • Strong odour reminiscent of rotten eggs
  • Digging in search of grubs or insects in lawns and gardens
  • Paw prints with distinctive claw marks visible in soft soil

To avoid skunk encounters:

  • Remove potential food sources such as fallen fruit and pet food from outdoor areas to discourage their presence
  • Install fencing or barriers to prevent access to vulnerable areas like under decks or sheds

Bats: Silent Flyers of the Night

Bats, often unseen but ever-present, play a crucial role in Barrie’s ecosystem as natural pest controllers. However, when they roost in attics or other structures, their guano can accumulate and pose health risks to humans.

Signs of bat roosting sites include:

  • Foul smell of bat droppings (guano)
  • Stains or greasy marks near entry points
  • High-pitched squeaking noises at dusk or dawn indicate their presence

To address bat infestations:

  • Seal off entry points with mesh or netting, ensuring bats are not trapped inside during exclusion efforts
  • Contact a licensed wildlife removal specialist for safe and humane exclusion techniques to prevent their return

Assessing the Impact

Before taking action against common wildlife pests in Barrie, it’s crucial to assess the impact they have on our environment and well-being. Understanding the ripple effects of these creatures allows us to develop effective strategies for mitigation.

The Ripple Effect

Wildlife pests not only disrupt the natural balance but also have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and human communities. Their presence can lead to:

  • Displacement of native species
  • Damage to agricultural crops and property
  • Transmission of diseases to humans and pets through direct contact or exposure to contaminated environments

Health Risks to Humans and Pets


When dealing with common wildlife pests in Barrie, it’s essential to recognize the potential health risks they pose to both humans and pets. From the transmission of diseases to physical injuries, these pests can jeopardize the well-being of our loved ones.

  • Rabies Transmission

Raccoons, bats, and other wildlife pests can carry and transmit the rabies virus through bites or scratches, posing a severe risk to humans and unvaccinated pets.

  • Leptospirosis Contamination

Contaminated water sources, often tainted by the urine of wildlife pests like raccoons and rodents, can lead to leptospirosis infections, causing flu-like symptoms and potentially severe complications.

  • Salmonellosis Exposure

Handling or consuming food contaminated by wildlife pests, such as raccoons or rodents, can lead to salmonellosis, resulting in gastrointestinal illness and dehydration.

  • Histoplasmosis from Bat Guano

Inhalation of fungal spores found in bat guano can lead to histoplasmosis, a respiratory disease that can affect both humans and pets, causing symptoms ranging from mild to severe respiratory distress.

  • Allergen Sensitivities

The presence of wildlife pests can exacerbate allergies in sensitive individuals, with dust mites and animal dander triggering allergic reactions and respiratory issues.

  • Physical Injuries

Encounters with aggressive wildlife pests or attempts to remove them without professional assistance can result in bites, scratches, and other injuries, posing risks of infection and trauma.

Mitigating the Risks


In mitigating the risks posed by common wildlife pests in Barrie, proactive measures play a vital role in safeguarding both property and well-being. Understanding the strategies for prevention and responsible removal enables homeowners to effectively manage and minimize the impact of these troublesome creatures.

Taking Control of the Situation

Prevention is Key

  • Seal off entry points and repair damaged screens or vents to prevent wildlife from gaining access to your home
  • Keep outdoor areas clean and free of food debris to minimize attractions for wildlife pests
  • Trim trees and shrubs to eliminate potential entry points such as overhanging branches or dense vegetation near structures

Responsible Removal

  • Contact professional wildlife removal services for humane and ethical removal of wildlife pests from your property
  • Follow local regulations and guidelines for wildlife management practices to ensure the safety of both humans and animals involved

Safe, Humane, and Stress-Free Wildlife Removal in Barrie

In the world of urban living, coexisting with wildlife pests is a testament to the resilience of both humans and animals. By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures to address infestations, we can ensure a harmonious relationship with nature while safeguarding our homes and communities. If you’re experiencing issues with wildlife removal in Barrie, contact us at 1-888-794-PEST for expert assistance. Let’s work together to keep our backyard sanctuaries free from troublemakers.