Your home has turned into a school, workplace, party venue, and sanctuary rolled into one. When the COVID pandemic hit, its walls gave family members the comfort needed to feel safe. But how safe can homes be if there are bugs that can endanger their dwellers? A bug-free home is achievable but it can entail hard work. One of the reasons why the kitchen should be clean is because this is where the delicious goodies are kept. For pests only one thing remains constant: where there is food, they will thrive. 

Having bugs around your house can be stressful. The groceries stored in your pantry, your cooking ingredients, and your plants aren’t safe and your family is at risk of certain diseases they could be carrying. Fortunately, there are kitchen remedies that kill all types of insects.

Read on to find out how to prevent pest problems in your Ontario home with simple kitchen items.

What Are the Common Pests Found at Home?

Various pests can thrive in your home

A CBC article featuring the Great Wild Indoors delved into the corners and crevices of a typical house in Toronto and found 112 different species. A majority of these insects are not harmful to humans, but there are some that should not have a place in your home. Below are some of the most common household pests:

  • Centipede

While the name literally translates to “100 legs”, studies show that they can have anywhere between 15 and 177 pairs of legs. Most people are afraid of them because they are venomous, but their jaws are not strong enough to puncture human skin. They can kill other bugs though which should be reason enough to let them live — albeit not necessarily in your home.

  • Carpet Beetle

Often mistaken for bed bugs, these smaller species are attracted to natural fibres like upholstered furniture, pillows, and blankets. It is also shown that they are attracted to the carbon dioxide produced by people while they sleep.


Carpet beetles don’t actually bite, but they have prickly hairs that can cause allergic reactions. Generally, they are not considered harmful to people, but they are not a welcome addition to your home either.

  • Mosquitoes

Did you know that there are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes? And did you also know that these critters are the deadliest animals on the planet? They carry viruses that can cause serious diseases like dengue and malaria.

  • Housefly

The housefly is one of the insects with a bad rep primarily because they carry germs that can cause people to get sick. An excessive fly population at home can cause frequent doctor visits.

  • Ants

Ants are considered pests if they already infest the house and enjoy a feeding frenzy in the pantry. They are not known carriers of germs and bacteria that can cause diseases.

  • Rodents

While not all rodents are considered pests, the species mostly found in Canadian homes are rats and mice which are known spreaders of diseases. They can also cause damage to your property so the common solution is to call a local pest control company to eliminate their population.

  • Cockroaches

Roaches are among the most infamous pests because they pose significant threats to public health. Treatment to ward off these nocturnal creatures are essential since they can carry a myriad of diseases like typhoid fever, cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery, plague, and leprosy. It is a must to take steps that can prevent these pests from contaminating food and causing other damage.

Kitchen Hacks for a Bug-free Home

Organizing and cleaning the pantry can keep pests out

Pest infestation is never welcome. Clean kitchen premises are sometimes not enough to totally eradicate them. Finding a kitchen pest solution at home is the first remedy that you can turn to control their population. Here are some of the things you have lying around that can ward them off:

  • Peppermint – The natural oil is a popular choice for diffusers because of the soothing smell but not a lot know that this is effective for keeping insects and rodents out of the house, too. Just apply at least 5 drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place these in various locations around the house. The smell masks the pheromone trail of rodents that serve as pathways to your home.
  • Baking Soda – Can baking soda kill pests? Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is not just a baking ingredient. It can be used for cleaning and eradicating pests. Just scatter them around the most pest prone places, like the mattress and the kitchen counter. Vacuum after a few days and just repeat the process until you totally get rid of the infestation.
  • Bay Leaves – The bitter plant is a favourite ingredient for savoury dishes because of its fragrance but for bugs, this is a no-no. Simply leave dried bay leaves where you notice flies, moths, roaches, and earwigs and notice them disappear.
  • Vinegar – The acidity in vinegar makes it an effective repellent against ants, fruit flies, mosquitoes, and others. You can either use it as is or mixed with water. It should be sprayed directly onto the bug. It is an effective and cheap kitchen pest control for your Ontario home.
  • Lavender – One of the favourite mosquito repellent lotion variants is lavender because of its pleasant smell. For the insect, however, it can be an effective deterrent. An animal study in 2002 showed that flower oil is effective in repelling adult mosquitoes.
  • Cucumber – Did you notice ants crawling in the kitchen or other parts of the house? Put a slice of cucumber in their pathway. There are studies that show that they have a rather short-lived efficacy in keeping these critters away before you need other repellent options.

Your kitchen is a good place to start if you want to look for items that can get rid of pests, but if the infestation continues, seek help. Mr. Pest Control offers pest control services in Canada. Call them at 705-739-7378 (PEST) to solve your problems.